Irrigation and Fertilization Plans
Watering Grape Vines
Water regularly the first year about 1" a week. Directly moisten the roots. Do not spray or mist. After the vines are established, they seldom need watering. Overwatering causes leaves to drop. Mulching is not necessary after the vines are established.
Fertilizer recommendations
Before planting
Deep manuring at 30-80 ton/Ha will provide minerals, which are not very mobile in the soil (P2O5, K2O, MgO), and will correct high acidity that may induce Al or Cu toxicity. In fields that have only low pH (below 6) liming at 2,000-10,000 Kg/Ha will bring it up to desirable level.
Phosphorus and potassium are key-elements in the development of young vines. Sub-optimal amounts of these nutrients in the soil may result in a delay in starting the production stage. Nitrogen should be applied at this stage at small quantities as it may be lost by leaching.
Nonbearing vineyards
The recommended average rates of nutrients (Kg/Ha) for nonbearing plots, will ensure that production will be achieved as early as possible. The following amounts are based on plant density of 5,000 plants/Ha.
The urea should be applied monthly, while the potassium nitrate should be applied every alternate month. The phosphorous may be applied as phosphoric acid if a fertigation system is available.
Mature vineyards
Our Recommendation for Fertilization