Irrigation and Fertilization Plans

blogWriter : Admin
May 19, 2022
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• Processing tomato is a typical irrigated crop
Different system are possible
• Surface irrigation
• Drip irrigation
• Sprinkler irrigation
(hose reel irrigators, pivots)

With drip irrigation, starting investments per hectare are higher than with other systems. Anyway, there are some agronomical advantages as
fertirrigation, which is the possibility for applying fertilizer with irrigation water
high efficiency of water used in irrigation (losses of water are very low when compared with other irrigation systems)
high uniformity concerning water height and fertilizers’ rates
leaves are not wetted and therefore diseases spreading is hindered

Sprinkler irrigation is carried out both with hose reel systems (on the left) or pivot systems (below), depending on acreage. A large choice of sizes is available both for drums and pivot.

Fertilizer Plan

